Thursday, September 29, 2016

Bonjour! This week we have been learning about Terry Fox. We read a book about Terry's story and talked about some of the values he showed: bravery, courage, and perseverance. 

The students participated in the Terry Fox run this morning. It was wonderful to see the whole school outside running and participating for a great cause. 

We have also been learning "le vocabulaire d'automne" (Fall vocabulary). We brainstormed a list of things we can see in the Fall.

We then played a game where the students roll a dice and then have to say and colour the vocabulary word.

We have been very excited to notice the changes in our chrysalis this week. First the students noticed that the green became darker a few days ago. 

They then noticed that it turned almost black. Slowly, we started to see glimpses of orange...

And suddenly, this afternoon... un papillon! The students were jumping up and down with excitement :) 

Tomorrow we will have a little butterfly release celebration. We will do our final observation of the butterfly, we will make butterfly hats, and we will release our butterfly, which the students have decided to name Terry Fox! :)

Some Important Notes:
1) I have had several parents contact me about the Nutrition Breaks/lunches. Our morning learning block is the largest chunk of the day, and therefore the school's first scheduled Nutrition Break is not until 11:25. However, children cannot learn if they are hungry! The rule in my classroom is that if a student is hungry at any point during the day, they are allowed to take a few minutes to eat something from their lunch. If your child has mentioned being hungry or not having enough time to eat, please remind them to ask me "Est-ce que je peux manger?" (the answer is always yes!) :)

2) We have learned all about the sound "i" (sounds like "eee") and next week will be moving on to the sound "a" (sounds like "ah").

3) Homework... As a general rule, I do not send worksheets home as I strongly believe that young children need time to unwind and rest after a long school day! However, READING together is incredibly valuable, and we will be starting our home reading program (J'aime Lire) in October. By spending time reading with your child, not only are you spending quality time, but you are reinforcing what we are learning in class, practicing important skills (reading from left to right, sounding out words), and boosting their confidence. More information to come... Keep an eye out for the reading folder which will be coming home soon in your child's note tote!

Have a wonderful night,

Mme Bena

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