Monday, April 10, 2017

Bonjour! I hope everyone has enjoyed a lovely weekend!

Last week, we did a Spring art (& listening comprehension) activity for our classroom display. We did our first "dessin dirigé" (directed drawing) where I gave the students directions orally, and they followed these directions to make a drawing of a bunny. The directions included starting with the head in the very center of the page, adding one ear pointed straight up and one ear flopping over, adding a bow tie, and adding 6 whiskers. Afterward, they completed the drawings with some of their own ideas: flowers, grass, baskets, Easter eggs, etc. The drawings look superb in our classroom!

We have been learning about verbs over the past two weeks. We've brainstormed all the action words that we know (there are many!) and the students did simple drawings to illustrate what they mean (ex., marcher, courir, parler, etc.) 

On Friday, we started working on silly sentences! The students noticed that when we are using verbs in a sentence they do not end in 'er', for example, we don't say "Mme Bena marcher," we say "Mme Bena marche." It is incredible how many nuances they pick up just from hearing and speaking French for several months! The students were asked to write sentences, using any person or character, and any verb-- but to write the verb ending that sounded right to them. The results aren't perfect but it is a great starting point that allows me to see each student's thinking as we move toward learning some formal verb conjugations.

This week, we will be learning some songs about conjugating "ĂȘtre" and "avoir". Here are links to the songs, if you would like to review them at home.

Some classroom news:
1) Last week a letter was sent home about confirmation of enrollment in September. Please return this form as soon as possible so that the office can use these for planning. Thank you :)

2) We have a field trip to Pleasant Park to watch their play, the Wizard of Oz, on Wednesday April 19. Permission forms were sent home last week; please return these to school by Wednesday. If you would like to donate $1 or $2 please also send this in by Wednesday of this week.

3) The primary classes will be participating in multicultural dance workshops led by Tradansa during the last week of April. There will be a performance for parents on April 27th at 2:30pm. We hope you can make it!